The pizza book was a great way to integrate language arts ,nutrition, and geography. The cover
was so much fun! I used black tag board so it would look like a restaurant menu board. Using the child's photo attached to a chef's hat and an apron, we had the pizza maker. A checked paper tablecloth and a hand tossed pizza completed the cover.
kidspiration describing pizza using the 5 senses, writing
and drawing the steps of making a pizza, an original poem based on Jack Prelutsky's "I'm Making a Pizza as Big as the Sun." ( I'm making a pizza as gigantic as the moon, etc.) The poem was written on a slice of pizza. map of Italy, a paragraph about how pizza was first made, the Italian flag, a list of pizza ingredients sorted into food groups, a pizza glyph, and a drawing of their favorite pizza.
Contents of the book:
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